New trends in e-learning

StarForce told about ways of protection for e-learning products on eLearning Elements 2013, which passed since 29 to 30 of May at “Savva Hall” in Moscow. It’s the biggest e-learning event in Russia.

There were such big companies as Sberbank, Alpha-Bank, Severstal. Event was really global. There were many companies from different countries. Participants of the event could find some new information about creating e-learning materials. As example common form for creating of them is a SCORM.

On the eLearning Elements StarForce showed how can companies increase ROI of their e-learning projects. There were showed main problems of today e-learning market. The biggest problem taday is mass illegal distribution of e-learning materials. Main solution to solve this problem is a protection of content from copying.

StarForce has big attention on problems of e-learning because it sees in e-learning big potential. Developing of protection solutions for learning content and progress of this industry is a one of key directions for StarForce business.